Friday, October 31, 2008

We have a name!!!!!

We have had lots of great suggestions from friends and family over the last few weeks and I'm excited to announce that we have picked out a name for our little girl....drumroll........ Sarah Ella Reeves! I was so close to both of my grandmothers and after they passed I had always hoped to honor them in some big way. My maternal grandmother was Sarah Gertrude Keller and my paternal grandmother was Fern Ella Harris. We decided that Gert and Fern weren't going to fly so that left us with Sarah and Ella. I look forward to sharing stories and pictures with Sarah Ella about her great grandmothers !

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

20 weeks!

We are in week 20 and everything is great! Today we received a letter from our doctor that said all of my lab tests (Serum Alpha Fetoprotein, BETA HCG and unconjugated estriol) were normal. So we are very grateful for such good news! I go back to the doctor Nov. 5th, but it will be a boring visit. Just a finger stick to check iron levels and a belly check from what I understand. I have been feeling the baby move a little more now - especially at night when I'm still. My books say that she can hear now and that she has fingerprints! I thought that was neat! We still aren't any closer to a name. It's hard to name a baby when you have TWO opinions! :) I will post again after the dr. visit next week!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Feeling Fluttery!

I am starting to feel flutters from our baby! It feels like she is taking her tiny fingers and thumping me! I really can pay attention and feel them more at night. I've heard it is usually about the 6month mark when you can feel her movements on the outside of the tummy so Adam will have to wait a little longer to get a high five from her.
I started crib shopping last week and fell in love with a Bratt wrought iron crib. Yesterday my parents called to tell me they have ordered the crib and it should be here in December!!! That is when we are planning to move back to Pulaski so it will be fun to get started on the nursery right away!
We are about 70% sure about what the name will be -I'm just waiting for Adam to be 100% sure until we announce it. Hopefully it will be soon so we can start the monogramming fun!

Friday, October 10, 2008


ITS A GIRL!! She had a great photoshoot today! Enjoy the pictures! See below for the story about our visit.

The confirmation that it's a girl! (looking up at her booty and legs)

She stretched out for this picture!

She is telling us "Shhh!"

Our doctors visit was very informative. The doctor drew blood for the AFP test (checking for neural tube defects and abnormalities). He checked my weight- I have gained 4 pounds. Then he checked the heart beat. It took about 30 seconds to find anything and it felt like hours! I was getting very concerned until I heard "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" - the baby was just sitting higher than the doctor expected. Her heart was beating at 144bpm (very healthy)! He measured my stomach and it was 18cm. He said that I was right on target. Your belly is suppose to correlate to the number of weeks you are pregnant. I dread 40! Then it was time for the ultrasound. I asked the girl if we were going to find out the sex today. As soon as the monitor picked the baby up she said "oh yah, we will be able to tell gender." I closed my eyes so I couldn't see the monitor. I told her my husband was in a prep class and couldn't come to the appointment. I asked if we could we put him on speaker phone so she could tell us both at the same time? She said that that was a first for her! Adam picked up on the first ring and I told him we were about to find out the gender. The girl said, "ok are y'all ready?! It's a GIRL! " Adam said - "really? Are you sure?" (he was excited!) and she said "yup, I'm pretty sure." Adam and I were thrilled! Adam went back into lecture and I got to watch our little girl on the tv screen for about 30min! She was playing with her hands (waving them around and putting them over her head) and kicking a lot too (I couldn't it feel though). Then she took a big stretch and tucked her chin back to her chest. Photos were taken of everything from her bladder to her fingers to make sure she was healthy. Her bones are starting to ossify so it kinda looked like she had her skeleton costume on for Halloween. During the ultrasound her heart was beating at 152bpm. She weighs 7 ounces. I was grinning like the village idiot when I walked out of the office! We are still working on names. Hopefully we will agree on one soon! My next visit is Nov. 6th. They will do a belly check and a finger stick for iron levels. At 28weeks our doctor offers a complimentary 4-d ultrasound. They said by that time the baby has some fat on it and looks cute. At that visit I will do a fasting glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. Hopefully my next post will be to tell you that I'm feeling her move!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Upcoming doctors appt.

Our doctors appt is now on Friday 10/10 (Adam's Birthday!) We decided to change doctors and the first time I could be seen just happened to be then. This doctor does the 4-d ultrasounds as part of the visit and usually determines gender between 16-20weeks. So we are excited that we might get a 4-d picture and that we might find out the gender this Friday!! Sadly, Adam is taking a review class from 8-5 for his CFP exam so he probably wont be at the appointment, but I'll have him on speaker phone if the doctor does an ultrasound for gender!