Monday, November 17, 2008

23 weeks!

I feel sooo big and not cute! That has been the theme for the last few days. I think Sarah Ella is doing some remodeling and decided to put a second level where my diaphragm use to enjoy deep inahles. My wardrobe has been limited to only maternity clothes. Katelin decided to take advantage of that and raided my closet over the weekend. It made me wonder if I'll ever be able to wear my normal clothes again. I think these are all normal pregnancy woes, but it is still hard to adjust to a changing body! On Sunday Adam and I are going to Maui with another couple (Misha and Jason Garey.) Misha was my dental school "big sis". I am so excited to go, but my activities will be limited and I'm not really anxious to jump into a swimsuit! Luckily Adam is so good about making me feel cute and tiny! My best friend Nikki said the best thing she could hear during her entire pregnancy is "you are sooo tiny!" Adam started saying that on day one! He's a smart cookie! I will post some belly pics at the end of the week so look for those!

1 comment:

Candi said...

Girl I totally understand what you are saying. It is hard to feel cute pregnant. Linda and Bubba are taking me shopping this weekend so hopefully we will find something to help me feel good.